Mid Summer Healing Properties

Mid Summer Healing Properties

Midsummer hope:Summer Healing Properties   Midsummer Hope Midsummer is a celebrated tradition in many cultures as the mid point of the year. Midsummer takes place at the time of summer solstice and is known in Germany as ‘Johhanistag’ to represent John the...
Mindfulness Meditation Workshop

Mindfulness Meditation Workshop

Mindfulness Meditation Workshops   6 week mindfulness meditation group Sarah Fitzroy will have the pleaseure to welcome you during the summer for 6 sessions and 1 morning of a mindful meditation and Sophrologie retreat. Each session is 1.5 hours on a Saturday....
Hearing sensitivity

Hearing sensitivity

Treating hearing sensitivity   What is hearing sensitivity  We are constantly exposed to many different types of sensory information in our daily lives. Many of us are able to filter out sounds and this does not impact on our daily lives. However, certain...
How Nature Affects Mental Health

How Nature Affects Mental Health

How Nature Affects Mental Health   Spring into Nature and Mental Health Spring is here, the flowers are in bloom, the forest canopies are green and the lakes are getting warmer. This is an ideal time of year to spend time in the great outdoors whether this be...
Treating Autism In Berlin

Treating Autism In Berlin

Treating Autism    What is autism? Autism is a well known neurodevelopmental condition that can have social, emotional and behavioural implications. Many people have been living with autism for years and currently the National Autistic Society estimates that one...