EMDR therapy in berlin
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in Berlin
What is an EMDR therapy?
EMDR therapy is a therapeutic technique used in for treating the negative emotions associated with traumas or unfortunate life events. It is used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but also depression, suicide thoughts, dependence on drugs or alcohol. These disorder can sometimes be very persistent and invalidating for several years. EMDR therapy aims at reducing these traumas on the long run.
How does EMDR therapy work?
The therapist uses a “bi sensorial”, alternated stimuli going from left to right (and vice versa) via eye movement.
Although less frequent, the stimuli can also be auditive.
In the case of a visual stimuli, the therapist makes vivid finger movements which the patient should follow. In the case of an auditive stimuli, a headset is put on and sounds alternate from left ear to right ear. This activates regions of the brain which are usually not used to be activated. While the eyes are stimulated, emotions are liberated. More and more emotions are liberated in the session as the process goes.
This stimulation restructures the traumatic information in the cortex and no longer in the limbic brain, normally linked to emotions. This process is usually done naturally and spontaneously by the brain, which is why some most emotions leaves little mark.
When a trauma or vivid emotion occur, the traumatic symptoms appear and persist when the memory has over-invested in the emotional brain and could not be processed by the cortex. Recoding induced by eye movements reduces the emotional load associated with that memory.
For nearly 30 years, EMDR therapy has proven its effectiveness through numerous controlled scientific studies carried out by researchers and clinicians around the world.
More on the topic of EMDR
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in Berlin
The relation between EMDR therapy and Cognitive & behavioral therapy as well as its side benefits
Although many meta-analyses have shown that EMDR is as effective as trauma-centric CBT in the treatment of PTSD, these results are considered preliminary due to the small number of studies, the high risk of investigator bias, and the high dropout rate.
A recent pilot study found that six EMDR treatments for patients with psychosis and PTSD also “have a positive effect on auditory hallucinations, delusions, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and self-esteem. Two RCTs have proven the effectiveness of EMDR.” Therapies that treat difficult life experiences that do not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD for traumatic events. 24,25,41 Both studies reported positive treatment effects over 3 courses.
During the three-month and six-month follow-up period, they also realized that participants could maintain these benefits for a long time after treatment. He found that hallucinations, delusions, anxiety and depression symptoms improved significantly after treatment.
Book an EMDR therapy in Berlin at My International Therapy today.
EMDR Therapy is about…
Activating emotions
Thanks to fast occular movement or auditive stimuli
Treating traumas and disorders
The method is effective even after several years
Consciously treating a problem
The patient feels his emotions coming and deals with them with the help of the therapist
Releasing bad memories
And giving space for more positive thoughts
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Sat : 09AM – 07PM